Let me preface this by saying I do not understand webgl in the slightest, and hope someone is able to help me out if they have dealt with the scaling issue for their own game. Feel free to send me a discord message if you know what the hell is going wrong :(

Also the music restarting is kinda annoying, sorry xx

About this menu (you can call this a sort of changelogs or the ramblings of someone who bit off more than he could chew)

- Fully navigable by mouse AND PLAYER!
- Same controls apply as when playing the game
- You can even push the volume slider
- To exit the game back to the menu press escape and click main. This does mess up the player controlled menu but it is the middle of the night and I am tired please don't get upset that you have to refresh the page.
- You do still have mouse control :)

- Quick tip when doing this: turn of keyboard input on your buttons, that took me multiple hours to figure out that it wasn't in my collision detection (which was perfect the first time I implemented it :[ )

-Again I hate everything about canvas scaling in webgl....

It's 2:45, I finished my game at 23:45... I am tired and emotionally exhausted. Good night and I will see you guys later today.

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