After tumbling and floundring and finding my own creative path the moment is finally there! If you would be so kind as to grade this project with a sufficient grade it would mean the end of the blood, sweat and tears I poured into my entire studies over the past five years. To celebrate this momentous occasion, as the little can would have done, I have decided to share the joy with you all.

Proost, en op naar de volgende uitdaging! 

(Alright it might be a bit early and I am fully aware there is a distinct lack of art but hopefully the following story makes up for it)


The level not only tells the harrowing story of a disgraced can of beer trying to reconnect with its conveyorbelt-rolling peers (or should I say beers? It all depends on the direction you look at it...), it also tells the story of the little student that could. 

I, like the can in this game, started off together with my fellow students, ready for the beaten path. As many of us experienced, covid threw quite a wrench in those plans... Although at first we really tried our best and even made some of our best work in the early stages of the lockdown we soon realised that those early highs were but a mere mirage, a delusive phantom of hope, only making us fall harder. And fall I did. After falling and flipping and flailing around I realised my studies were my own path to choose. No more predetermined paths! Only courses I enjoyed! As I, like so many before me, and so many will again after me, rotated and twisted my way through the education system I reached heights I never imagined. I knew what I would become! The end was near! But alas, once again, in my folly I forgot the most important part. Me. I fell for the traps near the finish line and failed my minor! No longer was I to be the teacher, I was returned to student. As I recovered and regained my footing exploring my creative side, once again began making my wayup  through my studies, at the HKU this time. And although I  truly created, designed and found my way, with just this final hurdle to overcome I once again was set back. But not to fear! The way I discovered was mediocrity! Through simplicity a story can be told! And so I did. The story of challenges, growth, the desire to belong with my cohort can be as simple as the story of a little can that could.

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